Malloy Labs
Data Usage Policy

Malloy Labs
Data Usage Policy

Malloy Labs
Data Usage Policy

Malloy Labs
Data Usage Policy

Our Commitment to Trust and Transparency

Malloy Labs is dedicated to providing cutting-edge video intelligence services. We employ advanced LLMs (Language Learning Models) to process your videos, transcribe them, and extract vital information for better understanding and efficient search capabilities. Trust is the cornerstone of our relationship with clients, and we are committed to upholding the highest standards of data privacy and security.

Understanding Data Usage

At Malloy Labs, the videos you upload are your property, and we respect that. The primary purpose of our processing is to transcribe and generate insights from your videos. We assure you that:

Your videos are only used for the specific services you've availed of.

We do not use your data to train models for other clients or any other unintended purposes.

Once the processing is complete, your raw video data is not used for any other operations unless specified by you.

End-to-End Encryption

Your security is paramount:

All videos uploaded to Malloy Labs are encrypted from the moment they leave your device until they reach our servers (in-transit).

Once on our servers, your data remains encrypted (at-rest) until it's processed. Post-processing, all data is re-encrypted for storage.

Data Anonymization

To further ensure privacy:

When feasible, we anonymize data such that individual identifiers are removed, especially in videos that may contain identifiable details.

Anonymization ensures that the processed data cannot be linked back to an individual or the original source.

Ring Fencing and Client-Specific Data Isolation

Your data remains exclusively yours:

We employ ring fencing techniques to ensure that each client's data is stored, processed, and accessed in complete isolation from any other client's data.

This guarantees the utmost confidentiality and security of your data, keeping it protected from external influences.

Feedback Mechanism

Your voice matters:

We value feedback and have established channels for clients to voice their concerns or suggestions regarding data privacy.

We are committed to continuous improvement and take all feedback seriously, making necessary adjustments to our operations based on your input.


At Malloy Labs, we recognize the importance of trust. Our commitment to these best practices reflects our dedication to preserving the integrity and security of your data. We encourage you to reach out with any further queries or concerns.

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We are the #1 recommended short form editing solution for businesses that want budget friendly editing at scale.

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We are the #1 recommended short form editing solution for businesses that want budget friendly editing at scale.

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We are the #1 recommended short form editing solution for businesses that want budget friendly editing at scale.

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The #1 choice for businesses who want more out of their video marketing strategy.

Copyright © 2024 Malloy Labs. All Rights Reserved

The #1 choice for businesses who want more out of their video marketing strategy.

Copyright © 2024 Malloy Labs. All Rights Reserved

The #1 choice for businesses who want more out of their video marketing strategy.

Copyright © 2024 Malloy Labs. All Rights Reserved

The #1 choice for businesses who want more out of their video marketing strategy.

Copyright © 2024 Malloy Labs. All Rights Reserved